It wasn't chosen by chance, the band's name. Three brothers lived in The Wolf's Valley the Elder Edda said. This echoes the symbolic number of founding members. Became twinned later the founding members were. History of Ulfdallir began on the eve of Yule in 2014 (December, 20), when Auðunn - vocalist and bass player, and one of the founders of MDM-band Envenom (RUS), decided to gather like-minded people and create viking- / melodic death metal band. It was due to the fact that most staff of Envenom (RUS) did not see their creation in this (Scandinavian) category. However, it didn't stop Auðunn, and together with Asleifr and Hafrgrim, they created a new band. In December of 2015 it was decided to invite for recording an old friend of Asleifr and Auðunn - Ragonar. It was caused by necessity of relieve tension from the musicians (originally, guitar parties was to play Asleifr). In early January of 2016, after the year's break, the band started to record their debut album. Coming up new riffs, lyrics and even the composition as a whole, refined and reworked already existing material. May 18, 2016 to Ulfdallir joined drummer Sigurðr, instead the digital Sven. We started joint rehearsals. July 15, 2016 released the long-awaited album Ярость Фенрира (Fenrir's Wrath). At the end of 2016, Asleifr left a band and 4 other members began to prepare for concert activity. After 6 months of searching for a new guitarist, co-founder and lead guitarist of legendary Russ...
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Top Tracks
Безумие Войны
Сын Одина
Последний Поход
Последний Варяг
На Йотунхейм
Ярость Фенрира
Смерть Бальдра
Стальная Броня (Gjeldrune cover)
На Йотунхейм (single version)
Стальная броня
To Jotunheim
Madness Of War
10. Смерть Бальдра
08. Ярость Фенрира
06. Побратим
07. Последний Варяг
04. Последний Поход
01. Безумие Войны
09. На Йотунхейм
02. Вальхалла
05. Сын Одина
12. Стальная Броня (Gjeldrune Cover)
03. Норд
11. Рагнарёк
Jarost' Fenrira
Fenrir's Wrath
Baldur's Death
Steel Armor (Gjeldrune cover)
Son Of Odin
The Last Varangian
The Last Journey
На Йотунхейм (To Jötunheim)
Bezumie vojny
Syn Odina
Poslednij pohod
Побратим(instrumental demo)
Na Yotunheym
Posledniy Pohod
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