'The Attraction Of The Opposite' To have a good chance to be synchronized to the trendy waves of the contemporary dance music, it is better not to get envolved with UND. The Italo-Dutch couple, Marco Palmieri (aka Tuscania) and Terry Ann-Frencken (aka Fabelhaft) tried hard since 2002 to be in the right moment in the right place, but they never worked it out. One step was too fast, the other too slow, one was laughin, the other crying. Might be because the southern touch of Tuscania hookes you on a black mahogany mood and the north Atlantic taste of Fabelhaft makes you fly away on a syncopate fairytale plot, might be because sketches of grooves are like comming out from a visionary Italian comedy soundtrack and the lyrics are painted and coloured of English humor, might be because one is technofunk and the other is technotrance, or because one is low and the other high, because one is serious and the other easy... Or it is just the old stories of love and hate, daylight and darkness, documentaries and soap operas? The misterious energy arising from attraction of documentaries and soap operas, something similar to the revisited version of the laws of gravities or the laws of poles attraction is what brings UND into techno music. UND gives birth to dancefloor tracks or tracks are giving birth to dancefloor UND? Since years, UND is recording very special pieces of techno music inspired by this basic questions of life and death. And even when busy rocking a party anywhere in th...
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