http://www.wearevestiges.com http://www.replenishrecords.com Links Facebook | BandCamp | Twitter | YouTube Contact wearevestiges@gmail.com Discography The Descent Of Man - Mediafire - Bandcamp Vestiges / Ghaust Split - Mediafire - Bandcamp Vestiges / Caulfield Split - Mediafire - Bandcamp Vestiges / Panopticon Split - Mediafire - Bandcamp Biography Vestiges formed in January of 2010. Influenced by hardcore, black metal, crust, d-beat, screamo, and post-rock, the band set out to incorporate elements of each genre to articulate their message both musically and lyrically through a series of albums that follow a central narrative about the relationship between man and nature. On October 10, 2010 the band released their debut full-length album and the first installment of their narrative, The Descent Of Man. The album was independently released by the band on a limited run of hand-numbered double vinyl, compact discs, and cassettes, which has afforded the band the opportunity to tour extensively across North America and Europe. The Descent Of Man is currently distributed in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia through a number of independent record labels and distros. The Descent Of Man follows the creation, the evolution, and the eventual annihilation of mankind. Today, we find ourselves hoping to reverse the damage that we have done and struggling to sustain what little earth we have yet to rape repeatedly. We validate this existence with stories th...
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Top Tracks
Zombie (The Cranberries)
Vestiges - VII
Vestiges - VIII
Vestiges - VI
Vestiges - Zombie
Panopticon - A Letter
Panopticon - Collapse & Die (Suicide Nation)
Panopticon - The Eulogy
Caulfield - Dive
Zombie (The Cranberries Cover)
The Descent Of Man - I
01 VII
Vestiges - Intro
We wont stop
Vestiges - I
Vestiges - II
Ghaust - Sleep And Release
Ghaust - Amongst The Ashes
Vestiges - III
Vestiges - V
Zombie (Cranberries cover)
Vestiges - Outro
Vestiges - IV
The Descent Of Man - II
A Letter
Sleep And Release
Collapse & Die (Suicide Nation)
Zombie (Cranberries)
Amongst The Ashes
The Eulogy
I Need You
Zombie [The Cranberries]
VIII (Vestiges)
we wont stop (demo)
Vestiges / Panopticon Split
collapse & Die
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