Founded in 1982, Voltaj proved to have a personality too strong for the communist regime of that time and some people even considered the band to be a danger for the society. The first song, Nori de hârtie (Paper Clouds) made the top of the list for the band's first concert, which was held at Mihai Eminescu Cultural House in Bucharest. The following appearances on stage would be marked by hits like Aceasta-i întrebarea (This Is The Question) and performances of some of AC/DC hits. The initial structure of the ban (Horaţiu Rad - bass, Nikki Dinescu - drums, Gabi Nacu - guitar, Cristi Minculescu - vocalist, currently the vocalist in Iris, another successful Romanian rock band, Adrian Ilie - guitar) did not last and in October, 1986 the band had a fresh start with Cristi Ilie as vocalist, Amadeo Bolohoi as guitarist, Dan Mateescu - bass, Doru Istudor M.S. - drums and the same Adrian Ilie - guitar, the only one left from the first make-up of the band. The band seemed to have a bumpy road, so the year of 1988 brings new changes: Gabi Constantin - guitar, Valeriu Ionescu - bass, Cristi Ilie - vocalist, Doru Istudor M.S. - drums and Cristi Luca - guitar. First discographic release The first discographic release comes rather late, in 1995, 13 years after the band's make-up. Paper Clouds and Lumina (The Light) are two of the songs that made it on the Unplugged Romania compilation (with Tavi Colen as vocalist). The first Voltaj Album came out a year late, in December, and it was ca...
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Eu Cu Mine / Me And Myself
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De La Capat - Eurovision 2015 - Romania
Si ce?
Tu / You
De La Capat (Eurovision 2015 - Romania)
Si Ce? / So What?
Patapetine / Iputaspellonyou
De Maine
Eu cu mine
Scrisoare / Letter
Noapte Buna!
All over again
Prea Scurta / Too Short
Acolo / There
Vara trecuta
Albinutza / Little Bee
Jur / I Sweer
Pic pic
Noapte Buna! / Good Night!
De Maine / As Of Tomorrow
Si Ce / So What
Ora De Germana
Etajul 3
Da vina pe Voltaj
Ban D Dan / Money Matters
Hai Sus / Come Up
20 de ani
Pe Nori / On The Clouds
Lumea e a mea
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