German band that set themselves apart for being diverse and transcending a number of musical styles in more than a decade of existence. Early sound was krautrock, which led to symphonic, and to space rock toward the break-up of the original lineup around 1973. Constant throughout is keyboardist/vocalist Jurgen Dollase and he would continue through the seventies and early eighties fronting Wallenstein (while also pursuing bigger and better things). WALLENSTEIN’s original lineup was centered around keyboardist/vocalist Jürgen Dollase and drummer Harald Großkopf, both of whom would go on to make names even bigger for themselves in the German music business (Dollase with THE COSMIC JOKERS and Großkopf as a founding member of ASHRA and later the CENTRAL EUROPE PERFORMANCE). The band was originally named BLITZKRIEG, but as they readied their first studio release the band discovered a prior band with that name so changed theirs and retained ‘Blitzkrieg’ as the title of that first album(Bob Moore-ClemofNazerth). The group also included bassist Jerry Berkers who appears on their first two releases before going solo (see entry). Also, famed Krautrock drummer Harald Großkopf would go on to bigger things while playing in Ashra and with Klaus Schulze. He is also now a noted sessionman/producer in Germany. Though often criticized for being too much like symphonic-prog rock, and not enough Krautrock, their 'Blitzkrieg' album is one of the finest ones from that era. Read more on ...
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Grand Piano
Rory Blanchford
The Theme
Silver Arms
Song Of Wire
The Cosmic Couriers Meet South Philly Willy
Mother Universe
The Marvelleous Child
Manhatten Project
Golden Antenna
Manhattan Project
Relics of Past
Dedicated to Mystery Land
The Marvellous Child
The Priestess
Stories, Songs & Symphonies
Your Lunar Friends
The Banner
Sympathy for Bela Bartok (Parts I, II and III)
Sympathy For Bela Bartok
Strong and Steady
01 - Lunetic
On An Eagle's Wing
Backstreet Dreamer
No More Love
I Can't Loose
Rock High
Jo Jo
02 - The Theme
Lunetic - Wallenstein
03 - Manhatten Project
Midnight Blue
Fire in the Rain
Red Wine for the Judge
Cosmic Couriers Meet
04 - Audiences
Life Is True In Londown Town
Woman in Love
Stay On Your Own
Symphany for Bela Bartok
Father and Son
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