https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/x-september/id1185779240?l=en Tokyo • Osaka (2007 ~ 2012) The two main slices driving this course are Spector bassist, Spark Dutch and broadbandoid, bo2olev choynski. Originally they started out in 1993 recording several tracks of instrumentals, this was on an experimental basis and is when the tracks Sub duB and Two Rules came into being. After a blank of 14 years in September 2007, Dutch located in the crevices of Osaka and bo2olev nip-lashed in Tokyo, decided to start producing music once again with the stated intention of irritating as many people as possible under Japanese law. The best example of this is the track 'Poppo Clot', which is so effin annoying that half the people who wrote & worked on the song hate it! Update: Dutch, after some confusion on this site regarding spurious live dates in Turkey, assumed a new identity and vanished. Reportedly sighted on a raft made of goosehair and fotch, studiously ripping pages from braille copies of Dan Brown books somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Dutch's venture was inevitably doomed because of unchanged spewtation of the prior getting out of hand and escalating to a hybrid spewtuation because of an unexpected language thrombosis of the tongue he never had. As a result of deportation by the native wring leader General Mburu of the said muggy place, Dutch remains in vulljitter-spew-tiempo, an incurable mental illness modus operandi. Last seen in a trench called somevhere with fellow harp...
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Top Tracks
X On This
Monkey In House
Poppo Clot
Song 4 Merica
Two Rules (1993)
Sub Dub (1993)
Autumn-X (Prototune)
Britney's Butt Retro (Prototune)
Britney's Puff Puff
Brew Note
Brew Note (instrumental)
Britney's Booty (Prototune)
Dawn 080327 (Love Boat Badger Wack Prototune)
Two Rules
Britney's Puff Puff (remix one)
Dawn 080329 Wuv Boat
Dawn 080324
Popo Clot
Paris Mingusta 10
Drive (Prototune)
Drive 080205
Brew Note (feat. Pastor Manning)
Paris Hiltox
Britney's Booty
Britney's Butt (Proto Wedgy Slice)
Dawn 080331
Dawn 080328 愛船穴熊ワック
Bass House
X-SEPT - X On This
Shtanky (Bloody Wanker)
Sub Dub
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