There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Zeus - (Kamil Rutkowski, born December 18, 1983) - Polish rapper and music producer from Łódź. Active since 1998, he started in groups BHZ and Liryczna Kravmaga. Zeus has collaborated with other artists, including Aro, Dior, Dusza, Fatum, Kaczy, Koncept, O.S.T.R., Pesante, PHHR, PMM, Projektanci, Uśpione Miasto, Vademecum. He also appeared on O.S.T.R.'s albums - 7 (Więcej decybeli by zagłuszyć..., as a rapper and co-producer) and HollyŁódź (Reprezentuj, with Kochan). http://www.myspace.com/zeus94bpm 2) Zeus is a Toronto-based Canadian indie rock band, signed to the record label Arts & Crafts, whose members include Rob Drake, Carlin Nicholson, Mike O'Brien, and Neil Quin. In addition to recording and performing the music of Zeus, the band also serves as the backing band for Canadian musician Jason Collett. Their debut EP, Sounds Like Zeus, was released by Arts & Crafts in June 2009, and includes a cover of the Genesis song That's All. The band's debut album, Say Us, was released February 23, 2010. A vinyl LP was released two weeks ahead of the CD release. Say Us was included on the 2010 Polaris Music Prize Long List, but failed to advance to the Short List. Check: MySpace 3) ZEUS was founded in 2003 by singer/actor/presenter/comedian Jeroen van Koningsbrugge, drummer Paul Jansen and guitarist Roy Jansen. Soon after, bass player Bob Gerritsen completed the band. The objective was clear and simple: to make heavy, groo...
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