The group “ZmeiRaduga” invites you to go travelling with it to the world of musical fairy tales and myths told without words. The music of “ZmeiRaduga” is ethno dream & dance. It is the energy of time; there are no common stylistic bounds and trends in it. It is live improvisational ethnic music which lifts the veil of the world creation consisting of the sound and rhythm. “Dreamtime” is springing up just here and now! Listen to its rhythm. Look at its tread… “…The first sound born in the bowels of the earth converts into Rainbow”. The sound evolution performs : John Kukaryamba- percussions, drum, vocal, live-mix-electronics, didgeridoo, voices and marvels , оrganizational activity (album LIVE 2007 , I breathe - I speak - I breathe , Green Ants ) ; Nickolay Mikola Fyodorov - didgeridoo and magic ; Sasha Alekhin - lead wind instruments, voices, didgeridoo, percussions and charm (album Green Ants); Keith Zet - visualization, design, pictures, decorating, performance, tea magic ( album Green Ants ) ; Sergey Zmey Razumov - electronics, didgeridoo, voices ( album Green Ants ) ; Anna Benisato – Australian Didgeridoo (the most ancient instrument of the planet), shaman hand drum, the breath of rhythm and mystery. (album LIVE 2007 , I breathe - I speak - I breathe ) Larisa Dragonflyred Zotenko - visualization, design, decorating, performance, pictures, coffee magic ( album LIVE 2007 , I breathe - I speak - I breathe ) ; Sergey Bul...
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Top Tracks
Coming onto the Land
Spirit Helpers
A Steamer to the Sky
Heavenly Cows
Gnomes Dance
Music for Cinema - Trilogy
The Spirits of Water
The Tree of Life
The Journey of the Ant
The World that Couldn't be
The general dreams
09 Udu dance _
They go!
Dance of a bee
Dream sample
Till the end of light
07 Quickly ran - loudly spoke _
Naked Slumber
General Dreams
Hari Ho!
Yellow wheel
03 In a bottle _
Travel on the fifth party _ Путешествие на пятой стороне
Dance of a bee _ Танец пчелы
The beginning
Taste of the Sky
Dance on that party of tone _ Танец на той стороне тона
Quickly ran - loudly spoke _ Быстро бежал - громко говорил
Udu dance _ Танец Уду
Tumskari (album mix)
Elephant Slumber
The beginning _ Начало
Primordial Soup / Первородный суп
Iron birdie _ Железная птичка
In a bottle
UR (Ouverture)
In a bottle _ Внутри бутылки
Wind Starter
Red Sky
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