Kolovrat is the most famous patriotic band of Russia, they're a peculiar mouth-piece of real native youth known as NS skinheads. The band was formed in august 1994 in Moscow, when 4 young (18-19 years old) WP skinheads decided to start the first right-wing political ensemble in Russia. They hadn't had serious musical experiences before the band was formed. From the beginning they have intended their works to skinhead audience. Then in Moscow began to grow this movement, but in the whole city the amount of skinheads was about 100, but probably it was smaller than this number. The musicians were chooseing the bands name for a few months, it was very responsible business for them. At last they found the name Russian Ghetto. The guys practiced a lot in their own practice room in neglected house, where gathered fast all Moscow skinheads and some members of right wing organizations; pretty soon the band recorded the first demo Ready for destruction (December '94, 7 songs, 20 min.) and then the second demo Glory to Russia! (April '95, 7 songs, 20 min.) in some half-professional studio. The line-up became stable, some musicians were changed and Russian Ghetto being formed: Vladimir Anikin - vocal; Denis Gerasimov - guitar; Ygor Dronov - bass; Andrey Tarasov - drums. However, in may 1995 bassist and drummer were called up for military service & the band was forced to start everything anew, but this time with new musicians. Unfortunately the new members played only before autumn '95...
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Коловрат. Россия
Дмитрий донской
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Московские скинхеды
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88 Rac'n'Roll band
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Девятый вал White Power
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