Natalia Hellawes O'Shea (née Nikolayeva) (born 3 September 1976) is a linguist, songwriter, musician (Irish harp, guitar), vocalist and leader of the bands Мельница (folk rock), Clann Lir (traditional Celtic folk) and Romanesque (folk). Earlier she took part in the Тиль Уленшпигель project (folk), for which she was a vocalist and co-author of many songs. Natalia O’Shea (Hellawes) is an iconic figure in the Russian folk-rock sphere, which has been rapidly developing for the past ten years. Her strong and sweet voice, together with a talent for songwriting, made her a lead singer and main author in the group “Melnitsa” (which translates as “The Mill”). The group has been in the business for seven years now and is currently recognised as the most prominent folk-rock band in the country. Back in her school days, Natalia was a promising pianist, but she decided not to go in for classical music and went to study Celtic languages instead. The music has never been left behind, though, and while pursuing her academic career, which eventually led her to a Ph.D. in linguistics, Natalia also took to studying. Due to her deep and thorough knowledge of world music and time spent in different countries, Natalia became a unique performer who can easily hop from Russian traditional type of singing to sweetest Irish sean-nos to growls and howls of blues. That vocal prowess is blended with cleverly composed and immaculately arranged songs, where bass and drums...
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Увядание листьев
Королевская охота
Гимн деревьям
Гретхен за прялкой
Неукротимое племя
Сонный рыцарь
Воин вереска
Дуб, терновник и ясень
Леопард в городе
Дорога сна
Под луной
Зов крови
На север
Листья под дождём
Приворотное зелье
Ирландская мелодия
Баллада о берене и лютиен
Блюз апельсиновых корок
Песня галадриэль
Сонет IX (e-moll)
Сонет XVII (G-dur)
Черная башня
песня гаэтана
Beren's Song
Дайолен — даэрону
Песня алискана
Сонет IX
Legolas's Song
Сонет XVII
Galadriel's Song
Лорд Рэндал
The Song of Beren and Luthien
The Lullaby
I am of Ireland
Running to Paradise
Лорд Грегори
The Hosting of the Sidhe
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