Sons of Riddermark
House of Heroes
Buccaneers Inn
Sword's Song
The War of Wrath
The Mark of the Bear
Forked Height
Horns of Gondor
Storm of the Blades
Attack of the Orcs
Starlight Kingdom
Journey to Undying Lands
Ocean's Elysium
Third Immortal
Summon the Wolves
We Are the Legions
The Grey Wizard
Thousand Caves
Cloaked in Her Unlight
Longing Horizon
The Green Maid
Into the New World
Of Orcs and Elves
Mask of Flies
Raging Goblin
Touch of Green and Gold
The Cloak and the Dagger
Beneath the Waves
The Curse of the Kings
Ride With the Dragons
Gollum's Cry
Valier - Queens of the Valar
Elves Of Luva
Ghan of the Woods
Exile the Daystar
The Great Gathering
Usvainen Rhun
Voice of the Fallen
Ghân of the Woods
Green Dragon
Daughter of the Sun
Epic Dreams
One with the light of the stars
Woke Firstborns of Ilúvatar
One with the trees and the green
Planted all the first seeds
Hope for the others grief
She will come in misery
Ever-Young cares the blooms
Her sister caused the sun and the moon
Valier, Queens of the Valar
Sisters and wives of divine
Maid singers of the world
Composers, creators
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