Vintersorg is a Swedish progressive folk/avant-garde metal band formed in 1994 in Skellefteå, Sweden under the name Vargatron (Wolfthrone in English), but was later changed to Vintersorg. The sound of Vintersorg has vastly changed over the years, as his demo and first three albums, Hedniskhjärtad, Till Fjälls and Ödemarkens Son being folk/viking metal with black metal influence where their more recent albums, Cosmic Genesis, Visions from The Spiral Generator and The Focusing Blur are more progressive and influenced strongly by 60s/70s progressive rock. The album Solens Rötter took both the folk and progressive sound and mixed it into a more unique style. The name Vintersorg has often confused people in the metal scene due to it being the BAND name and the NICKNAME of the front man and composer, Andreas Hedlund. The actual band Vintersorg consists of Andreas Hedlund and Mattias Marklund, with regular appearances from Jan Erik Torgersen, Steve DiGiorgio, Asgeir Mickelson and Lars Are Nedland. Andreas Hedlund (Vintersorg/Mr. V) is constantly creating music. He is the front-man of several bands including Vintersorg, Otyg (folk metal), Borknagar (progressive black metal), Havayoth (gothic metal), Fission (melodic death metal), Cronian (progressive metal), Waterclime (progressive rock/jazz) and Cosmic Death (black/thrash/death metal). The name Vintersorg means winter sorrow. It's a character from the Isfolket series, by the author Margit Sandemo. Read more on Last.fm. Us...
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Top Tracks
Astral and Arcane
The Essence
Till Fjälls
Matrix Odyssey
Prologue Dialogue - The Reason
The Enigmatic Spirit
A Microscopical Macrocosm
Artifacts of Chaos
Blindsight Complexity
The Thesises Seasons
Cosmic Genesis
Star Puzzled
Universums Dunkla Alfabet
A Metaphysical Drama
För Kung och Fosterland
Rainbow Demon
Naturens Galleri
Under Norrskenets Fallande Ljusspel
A Dialogue With the Stars
Ars Memorativa
Döpt I En Jökelsjö
Vem Styr Symmetrin?
E.S.P. Mirage
Spirar Och Gror
The Explorer
A Star-Guarded Coronation
Dark Matter Mystery - Blackbody Spectrum
Trance Locator
På Landet
A Sphere in a Sphere? (To Infinity)
Att Bygga En Ruin
Ödemarkens Son
När Alver Sina Runor Sjungit
Naturens Mystär
Från Materia Till Ande
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