Svartby is a folk metal band from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. The band sings about wild magical creatures living in fictional place Svartby (Black Village) - witches, goblins, dwarfs - definitely unkind to human folk, but at the same time merry, nature-loving and nice living beings with a good sense of humor. The lyrics are in Swedish. The lyrics of the debut album were heavily criticized by Swedish listeners (even the name Kom I Min Kittel became cum in my cauldron in Swedish ears, not come into my cauldronas the band meant). So, to avoid misunderstanding and possible grammar mistakes, the band asked their Swedish friends to check lyrics for further releases (Tomte EP and second full length Riv, Hugg och Bit). Line-up: Torhall – vocals, bass Lindwurm – guitars Giftsvamp – keyboards, lyrics Fenrir – drums Ex-members: Hemskalf – guitars, clean vocals (2004-2005) Hök - guitars (2005-2009) Somna - drums (2004-2009) Svartby chronicles 2003 - Giftsvamp starts playing keyboards after a 4-year break – with thoughts of dark magical creatures. So echoes of melodies were born. - Brutal death band NORDLICHT (Giftsvamp – bass, Lindwurm - guitars) get acquainted with a rock-n-roll band RROLL and future SVARTBY's frontman Torhall. 2004 - Melodies become songs, ideas become lyrics - Lindwurm and Giftsvamp quit NORDLICHT and SVARTBY is formed in June. - Hemskalf is employed to sing clear vocals and be the second guitar - Torhall joins the band in August - Somna j...
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Top Tracks
Kom i min kittel
Skogens ursinne
Om trollbryggning
Groda, Ryttare
Moder av alla häxor
Scum from Underwater
Julen av vedergällning
Gnom Slam
Stjärnfull natt
Flykt Över sömnigt land
Skada över er!!
Mushroom Rings
Flaming Balls
Done With the Wind
Hemska Små Båtar
Boulder Massacration
Sleepy Devils
Elemental Tales
Ash and Dust
Morning Wood
Imp Slam
Solnedgang Over Trask
Mud Bubbles
Dvargby (Dwarf Village)
Dvargars Bastu (Dwarven Sauna)
Trollkarlar Av Dvargfolk (Sorcerers of Dwarven Folk)
Olfrun (Beer Wife)
Groda, Ryttare (Frog Riders)
Dvärgars bastu
Trollkarlar av Dvärgfolk
Ensam Ensling (Lonely Loner)
Humus (Humus)
Solens Ljus (Light of the Sun)
Liv Eller Guld (Life or Gold)
Riv, Hugg och Bit (Rip, Chop and Bite)
Snubbar, Snubbar (Blokes, Blokes)
Regnbagen (The Rainbow)
Kvavande Gruvor (Choking Mines)
Ensam ensling
Solnedgång Över träsk
Vinterkvall (Winter Evening)
Solens Ljus
Kvävande gruvor
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