• Happy?
  • Not Falling
  • Forget to Remember
  • Dig
  • Determined
  • Fall Into Sleep
  • World So Cold
  • Death Blooms
  • Pushing Through
  • Do What You Do
  • Silenced
  • Internal Primates Forever
  • Just
  • IMN
  • TV Radio
  • All That You Are
  • Nothing to Gein
  • -1
  • Choices
  • Cradle
  • Under My Skin
  • Everything and Nothing
  • Dull Boy
  • Golden Ratio
  • Scream With Me
  • Pulling the String
  • Severed
  • Monolith
  • Trapped in the Wake of a Dream
  • Prod
  • Shadow of a Man
  • The End of All Things to Come
  • Mercy, Severity
  • Pharmaecopia
  • Skrying
  • Mutatis Mutandis
  • The Patient Mental
  • Solve Et Coagula
  • A Key to Nothing
  • Recombinant Resurgence
  • Rain. Sun. Gone.
  • (Per)Version of a Truth
  • Fish Out Of Water
  • Lethal Dosage
  • A Cinderella Story
  • (k)Now F(orever)
  • Scarlet Letters
  • Have It Your Way
  • Cultivate
  • Seed

Losses, losers and more, gain of life's pleasures cohorts listen behind the doors to a life meaningless less than 0 in me all my walls falling down pains aloft misery
I'm sure that the lessons were learned I'm sure that the punishments went well deserved by the pawn in the plan taste of shit bitterness walk from me everything systematically
Come on youweretheone youweretheone, To dredge up shit inside of me in my pointless life of nothing
Tell me what I'm supposed to be
Tell me who I'm supposed to be
Tell me what it takes to ascend
Tell me what it takes to live
Patience, pleasures and rewards, come in due time stare at the sun I'm bored in a life meaningless soaking up all of me like the cross you worship life is loss look at me I'm sure that some day
Wake up I'm sure that some day we'll wake from the dream

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