Kalevala is a folk metal band from Russia (Moscow) that formed in 2007. The history of Kalevala begins in spring 2007, when Ksenia and Nikita left Nevid (Moscow pagan-metal) after having arguments with Nevid's frontman Lesiar. After that skillfull and experienced musicians were found and the group began to write new songs. The first demo was recorded in september 2007 and consisted of two songs Pastushok (A cowboy) and Goy, Olen! (Goy, Deer!). The first show was held on the 5th of october of the same year. The project began to evolve impetuously after that, and concerts were held not only in Mosow and Saint-Petersburg. In April 2008 the label Sound Age Production released the first disk called Kudel belosnedgnogo l'na (The Tow of the White-Snow Flax). That really amazing mixture of cheerful folk tunes, unique Ksenia's singing, highly skilled leading guitar and accordion play left very few people unfazed. The CD sold out well and was supported with many concerts over Russia. In summer 2008 the Kalevala participated in several folk festivals and started working on new material for the next album called The Cuckoo's Children . After only a year band gathers full night clubs and share the scene with such bands as Manegarm (Sweden), Menhir (Germany), Znich (Belarus), Arkona and Alconost (Russia). So Kalevala managed to establish a reputation as a great live band and showed high qualification in studio work. http://www.myspace.com/kalevalafolk Read more on Last.fm. User-contrib...
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Камышовая тропа
Кукушкины дети
Гой, олень!
Горсти Талого Снега
Улетай на Крыльях Ветра
Кудель белоснежного льна
Купальская Ночь
Снега белые крыла
Плакали вербы
Речка к реченьке
Ветер в спину
Гой, Олень
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Ты ж мене пiдманула
Про жеребца (яйца)
Воротись домой
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Ти ж мене пiдманула
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Медуницы пряной белый костёр
У разбитого корыта
Танец дикого ветра
Так пела осень
Ой, при лужке
Долгой Дорогой
Луна и грош
Батька атаман
Говори со мной
Где твоя ночевала печаль
Там где солнце отправляется в путь
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Снежный дом
Не Для Меня
Там, где солнце отправляется в путь
Снега белого крыла
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