Arkhanoth is a solo tribal / ritual ambient project from Coyoacán, Mexico, founded by Lord Arkhanoth. His style is a mix of dark ambient, Pre-Hispanic music and symphonic melodies that take the listener to an era of Aztec gods, sacred battles and forgotten knowledge. This dark ritual begins in 1999 with the name of Tierra de sombras (Shadow Lands) but later is changed to Arcanoth and some years later to its actual name Arkhanoth. In 2002 Lord Arkhanoth pays tribute to genius writer J.R.R Tolkien releasing the already sold out Ep Sauron's Return, a musical celebration for its middle earth legacy. In September of 2007 Dark Prehispania, a work based on the Aztec mythos, their magic and mysteries, is released as its first full length album. The years 2008 and 2009 are dedicated to music collaborations and composition work for two animated short films called “El Aguila y La Serpiente y Celulas Madre” both post-apocalyptic themed, with an Aztec renascence fill and Mexico city as a background. By 2010 Arkhanoth participates with other three bands ( Whispers of Ghosts, Teomorphosys and X-17 ) in the first Mexican ambient music compilation called Tonalpohualli 13 with 4 tracks (1 new, 1 unreleased and 2 from its earlier demo works). By the end of 2010 Lord Arkhanoth starts rehearsing and working with ex members of Evil Poetry and Ag Serpent, first Recording, and then later participating in the creative process to conform a new Project called Morphosys13, which is right now, ...
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Top Tracks
In Xipetlanonotza
In Youalteteo
In Teoyayao
Obscurus Arcanus Mexica
Batallas Sagradas
In Youalteteo (Gods of the Night)
Naguall (The Sorcerer)
Las Entradas de la Piramide
In Xipetlanonotza (Invocation of the Disincarnate God Xipe)
Xipe Totec Tlamaniliztli (An Offering To Xipe)
In Teoyayao (In Xochyayao) (Sacred Battles)
Invocación al Dios Xipe
Naualmi'totia (The Sorcery Dance)
Xipetla'Toltencuecuepa (In Tlacaxipeue Xipeteopixtla'Toltencuecuepa) (Dialogue With Xipe)
Sacred Battles ( In Teoyayao - Batallas Sagradas )
Tzacualcuitlatecomiu' (Mictlan Otitech) (The Bowels Of The Pyramid)
In teoyayo
And The Horn Was Sounding Far Away Part 1
Dialogue with Xipe ( Xipetla Toltencuecuepa - Dialogo con Xipe )
The Sorcerer ( Naguall - Nagual )
The Bowels of the Pyramid ( Mictlan Otitech - Las Entrañas de la Pirámide )
Invocation of the disincarnate God Xipe ( In Xipetlanonotza - Invocación al Dios Xipe )
Tzacualcuitlatecomiu' (Mictlan Otitech)
The Sorcery Dance ( Naualmi Totia - Danza Hechizo )
Xipetla'toltencuecuepa (In Tlacaxipeue Xipeteopixtla'Toltencuecuepa)
Gods of the night – (In Youalteteo, Dioses de la noche)
Invocaciуn al Dios Xipe
In Teoyayao (In Xochyayao)
An Offering to Xipe ( Xipe Totec Tlamaniliztli - Ofertorio a Xipe )
Gods of the Night ( In Youalteteo - Dioses de la Noche )
Xipetla "Toltencuecuepa"
In Youalteteo (Dioses De La Noche - Gods Of The Night)
The Return of Gorthaur the Cruel
In Remembrance
Gods of the night
The Bowels of the Pyramid
Dialogue with Xipe
Tzacualcuitlatecomiu' (Mictlan Otitech) [The Bowels of the Pyramid]
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