Danielson Famile (aka Danielson) is a band from Clarksboro, New Jersey, that plays a quirky blend of Indie pop and gospel music. They are also a notable example of Bass-Pop, perhaps more fittingly called Avant-Pop. The members of the band are Daniel Smith and his siblings Megan Smith (Megan Slaboda), David Smith, Rachel Smith (Rachel Galloway), Andrew Smith, wife Elin K. Smith, and friend Chris X. Smith (Chris Palladino). Recently, Sufjan Stevens has joined the band as an adopted member of the family, playing banjo on the album Brother Is to Son and touring with them when possible. Distinguishing characteristics of the band include frontman Daniel Smith's squeaky falsetto and sometimes nasally vocals. The band also incorporates visuals into some of its performance such as matching costumes and encouraging audience participation of clap-alongs, hand gestures and dance moves. Some appearances have seen Daniel playing a guitar while inside a costume of a ten foot tree bearing nine fruits of the Holy Spirit.[1] Members of Danielson Famile portray a proud DIY attitude within many aspects of their work. All of Danielson's album artwork is done by Daniel himself, with the exception of the construction paper inserts of the two Tri-Danielson albums which were done by Chris. The animation in their music videos for the songs Headz in the Cloudz and Rubbernecker feature stop motion animation done by Chris. The band members' uniforms begin as Daniel's vision and then are designed by Meg...
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Top Tracks
My Lion Sleeps Tonight
Did I Step On Your Trumpet
Cast It at the Setting Sail
Ship The Majestic Suffix
Five Stars and Two Thumbs Up
Two Sitting Ducks
When it Comes to You I'm Lazy
Bloodbook On The Half Shell
Kids Pushing Kids
Time That Bald Sexton
He Who Flattened Your Flame Is Getting Torched
Happy Days Are Here Again
Animal in Every Corner
Grow Up
Bloodbook on the Halfshell
Lil Norge
Jersey Loverboy
People's Partay
A No No
This Day Is A Loaf
Body English
Smooth Death
Daughters Will Tune You
did i step on your trumpet?
He Who Flattened Your Flame Is Gettin' Torched
Complimentary Dismemberment Insurance
Flesh Thang
A Meeting With Your Maker
Singers Go First
Olympic Portions
Flip Flop Flim Flam
Runnin' To Brother
Southern Paws
Rallying The Dominoes
Propaganda for a Comic Strip
But I Don't Wanna Sing About Guitars
Quest For Thrills
Good News For The Pus Pickers
Things Against Stuff
Hosanna In The Forest
Thanx To Noah
The Lord's Rest
You Sleep Good Now
Idiot Boksen
I Am My Beloved's
Hovering Above That Hill
Denominator Bluise
Our Givest
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