The tale of Dons, and his greatest passion music, begins in 1984 behind the iron curtain in Soviet Latvia. Dons always knew he would be the one to set his country’s name on world’s music map. He never goes for easy targets! Having experienced times of denial, disbelief and fear of music in his childhood, Dons has re-discovered his faith and is now unstoppable at what he does best. “Lights On” is Dons second album released almost two years after his first record. He has matured and mastered his skills to almost perfection in collaboration with Swedish producers K*Bros and Peter Manson. Together they have created a powerful and exciting record. It's an emotional story bringing up subjects most people can relate to in one way or another. “When Love Turns To Pain” touches the subject of the mixed emotions love sometimes makes us feel. The song Jaded talks of breaking through and keeping an open mind even though life kicks you in the face at times. “Lights On” is a product of Dons, his past, present and future. Every song on the album is an extension of him, his history and his standing here, in this world as a person.Having learned the greatness of music early, Dons always knew that music was his one true passion. He sang his first song when he was three and started playing piano when he was five years old. Dons became well-known in Latvia in 2003 after joining a local reality show - a la Fame Factory. The winner was promised a deal with a record label. The possib...
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Top Tracks
Lights Out
Big Fun
Pedeja Vestule
Medus pods
You Should Know Better
When Love Turns To Pain
Tev Piedzims Berns
Pariet Bailes
Big Fun (Beaver & Jones remix)
Ja tu man esi
Māsa upe
Just Save Me
Tris Adas
American Lovebite
Pēdējā vēstule
Pump up the jam
Dziesmiņa par krāniņiem un sirsniņām
Pasa ielas gala
Skumja Dziesma
Nakts Saruna
Drop The Gun
Par Zilo Kleitu
Divi Klauni
Take Me Alive
Zvaigznes Berns
Dzeltens Klavesīns
My Religion Is Freedom
Kiss FM
Masa Upe
Pump Up The Jam (ft Technotronic
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