Gather was a hardcore band formed in 2004 from Northern California, who were very outspoken about the vegan straight edge philosophy. In an interview from 2005 by Maximum Rock and Roll, band members state that the name was to emphasize the “gather” and eliminate the “hunter” in the term “hunter gatherer.” We decided to play the music in Gather because we wanted to capture the sound of some of our favorite bands from the 90’s, like Chokehold, Another Victim, and Culture,” said drummer Dustin Halls. They were passionate about spreading the message of animal liberation and also human liberation by speaking out against racism, government corruption, sexism and homophobia. Gather wanted to take the straight-edge drug free movement within the hardcore punk scene a step further by advocating veganism and animal liberation, not to be confused with animal welfare. The band has a song called Escalate with the lyrics “If drugs are the reason everyone's so passive, use your sobriety to act!” They are for abolishing the industry, not improving the conditions as that would contradict the idea of liberation. “All forms of animal abuse disgust me because they all remind me of just how much humynity has removed itself from all other beings. Our whole culture is based upon anthropocentrism and so it’s too easy for us to exploit animals and justify it as being ‘beneficial.’” says Eva Genie in an interview from 2006. They self-released their first demo and reco...
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Top Tracks
Total Liberation
Done and Done
The Green Scare
Dollar Signs To The Industry
Who Belongs
No Contest
I Hate Ayn Rand
What You're Thankful For
Crimson Dawn
Glimpses Of Hope
Changed Minds
Power, Privilege, Wealth
Chained To Weakness
New Forms
Crimson Dawn (Framework)
Justice Coming (Framework Cover)
Justice Coming
Crimson Dawn [framework]
Justice Coming (Framework)
Changed Minds vs. New Programs
The Bright Side
Hate Ayn Rand
gather 04 who belongs
gather 07 power, privilege, wealth
gather 09 domestication
Mata al Mejor (Salva al peor)
gather 11 _
Hacia al Sur.
gather 08 changed minds
Reparticion de Ignorancia.
gather 10 chained to weakness
Gather - Done and Done
03 what you're thankful for
Bonus track
02 dollar signs to the industry
What Your Thankful for
what you´re thankful for
Power, Privilage, Wealth
Gather - Done_and_Done_hifi
Gather - Escalate
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