http://www.myspace.com/fungivoro Hongo is a four piece sludge metal band, in earlier times strongly influenced by screamo and crust punk, now playing a darker and more metallic sound with suffocated vocals. The band born as it is in 2000 in A Coruña, Spain, in those times their line up wasn't really formalized. First Hongo show was in 2002 in A Coruña at a place called Bar Egeo with SL'S3 with Mejuto (Madame Germen, Ictus) on drums, David (SL'S3) at the guitar, Ernesto the other guitar, Barrós (SL'S3, Destierro, Asfixia) bass and Diego screaming. Lately the line up changed when Ivan (Nashgul) joined to play drums and Emilio was added as a 2nd voice. 2004, In this moment Hongo recorded their first material at Studios Bonham in A Coruña. Little bit after, Ruben (Madame Germen, Black Panda joins to play bass. Diego and Emilio left and now Hongo is a four piece band. Hongo recorded their first LP “Formas de Vida que se Precipitan hacia su Destrucción” in 2006 and a shared LP with a french sludge band called Aguirre In this project, they try to expose sincere conclusions to humanity’s guidelines and behaviours, urged by mechanisms of development of social interaction (and everything which it involves for example sociability, economy, work, suffering, wars, deaths, deaths and more deaths.....) that shouldn’t exist, used to reach the so longed-for well-being state.............. at all costs?... at the expense of what and how many? Read more on Last.fm. User-co...
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Por No Someternos
Convertidos en Arena
En el Castigo de las Piedras
Lápidas y Cruces
Dueños De Todo
Respirando Odio
Nuestras Manos Manchadas
Sin Resultado de Sufrimiento
Estertores De Muerte
Avergonzadas Lágrimas de Derrota
Tropezándonos desde el Principio
No Intestes Callar
Ansias De Dominación
Contemplando nuestra decadencia
Yo soy mi territorio
Flechas de fuego
No Intentes Callar
Máquinas de tortura
Desiertos De Cenizas
Desierto de cenizas
Ansias de Dominacion
Ansias de dominaciуn
Tropezбndonos desde el Principio
Lбpidas y Cruces
04 Tropezándonos desde el Principio
Dueсos De Todo
06 - por no someternos
Tropezandonos Desde El Principio
Dueńos de todo
Avergonzadas lбgrimas de derrota
Antologia de las calles
El viento trae las esporas
Estrellandose en la noche
Mar Arcaico
Avergonzadas Lagrimas De Derrota
hongo - 05 - avergonzadas lágrimas de derrota
Duenos De Todo
03 pista 3
01 pista 1
02 pista 2
04 pista 4
05 pista 5
Contenrmplando Nuestra Decadencia
01 - ansias de dominación
03 - dueños de todo
Hitech Maya
Avergonzadas Lágrimas De...
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