Imanol Larzabal, singer; born 11 November 1947; died 25 June 2004 Imanol Larzabal, usually known simply by his first name, was born on 11 November 1947 in the Antiguo neighbourhood of San Sebastian and was one of the masters of Basque folk music. Resistance to Franco's regime found many forms of expression, and the 17-year-old Imanol chose his by joining a folk dance troupe, Argia. He was a dantzari until 1968, when he switched to singing. During his imprisonment in San Sebastian, torture was routinely used on members of ETA. Imanol used his confinement to develop as a songwriter. On his release, he fled to France, where he started his recording career. During his exile in Paris, Bordeaux and Bayonne, he became a prominent protest singer. Imanol's early records were produced to raise funds for Basque political prisoners. Above all he was known for his singing - one critic defined his style as thunder harnessed. He leaves a huge volume of work, most of it in the Basque language, from his first underground tracks written in prison and recorded in the 1960s under the pseudonym Michel Etxegaray, to last year's album, Versos Encendidos (Blazing Verses), a poignant set of 15 songs reflecting on his exile from Spain and within her borders. His hit albums included Herriak ez du barkatuko (1974), Lau haizetara (1977), Jo ezan (1981), Orhoituz (1985) and Muga beroetan (1989). In the 1990s, he widened his repertoire to include songs in the Castilian tongue. Despite constant insul...
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Niña morena y ágil
“De Treville”Ren Azken Hitzak
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Iratiko basoilarra
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La caricia perdida
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Zer naiz ni zu gabe
La Jardinera
Il N'y A Pas D'amour Hereux
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Kantatzen du kantuz
Euskadin, Castillan Bezala
Ene Haserrea
Egia Garesti Dala
Berriro Igo Nauzu Ene Mendira
La Rosa Pura
Los Sueños
Time after time
Zorion Beti Beterena
maitia nun zira
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