PRAGNAVIT is one of the oldest and well-known formations from Belarus. This one-man project was formed by Voist, a legendary figure of Belarusian underground, who also known for Udumbal, Noluntas and M.O.B.A.S. To this date PRAGNAVIT has released two tape-albums and disappeared for almost a decade… Today Crivia Records, a joint venture of Stigmata and Possession Productions., is proud to present the brand new album of PRAGNAVIT. Forget about previous records from this band, Svietacjam is the new level in PRAGNAVIT’s career. Dark wave almost gone and now it’s time for Ethnic Dark Ambient! It’s time for the Rite of Initiation. Dark and gloomy soundscapes guide you through the pictures from the Past of ancient Belarus – mysterious land Crivia. Keyboards and field recordings are accompanied by native Belarusian acoustic instruments: duda (bagpipes), surma, sopilka, cow horn, drymba, fluits and kaliuka. Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
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Infernal chant
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under petrified rays of the black sun
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Полым вайны
Сонечных дзідаў пякучыя промні
Smierć Dažboga
Наканавана перамагчы
Дзе ззяе сталь святлом нябёсаў
Vielič Nietraū
Pjarunava Kvietka
Njanavusc Praz Vočy Vaŭkalaka
Marmytańnie ducham Bjazluddzja
Krumkaczyny zaviej
Infernal Chant / Pjakielny spieu
Zmrocny Cas Scjuznaga Uladannja
Sljach Da Dnja Adnauliennja Stomlienaj Maci
Raven's blizzard / Krumkaczyny zaviej
Cry of Jurata / Galaszenni Juraty
Galaszenni Juraty
У маёй крыві
Northdream... ...Wildhunt / Paunocznaja mroja... ...Szaljonaje paljavannie
In my blood... / U majoj kryvi...
Vielič nietraú
U majoj kryvi...
Under petrified rays of The Black Sun / Pad skamjanielymi promnjami Gzornaga ...
Pjakielny spieu
U majoj kryvi
Marmytaṅnie Ducham Bjazljuddzja
Zmiejeva Hara (bonus track)
Marmytannie ducham Bjazluddzja
Pad skamjanielymi promnjami Czornaga Sonca
Paunocznaja mroja... ...Szaljonaje paljavannie
Smierc Dizboga
Marmytaсnie ducham Bjazljuddzja
Šljach da Dnja adnaŭlieńnja stomlienaj Maci
Shljach da Dnja adnaulennja stomlienaj Maci
Pad skamjaniełymi promnjami Czornaga Sonca
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