An obscure russian black metal project formerly a part of BlazeBirth Hall, founded in 1994. Most compositions, writing and vocals are by Dagorath who was one of two guitarists of Forest along with Ulv G. Irminsson of Raven Dark. Shortly after the release of Forest's Обрекая надежду на вечность, Dagorath left behind the BlazeBirth Hall, his membership in Forest, and all of the political and ideological ideas. It was rumored by some that members of the BlazeBirth Hall killed him, but these theories were disproved in 2018, as Dagorath re-surfaced and released THE BEASTREALM after a two decade long silence. In 2005, Ulv G. Irminsson was murdered and in 2019, Kaldrad Branislav was struck by a car and killed. Elements of Warmonger, 1996 / demo Stronghold of Ruins, 1996 / demo The Beastrealm, 1997 / full-length (unreleased until 2018) Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
Related Artist
Top Tracks
Journey in Return
Inhaling the Murder
Unimalicious Satan Son
Stained by Torture
Taking Wings Away To Silence
In Wrath Of Rewarding
Reflection Thru Eternal Battles
Sowing With Sparks
Stronghold Of Ruin
К Безмолвью Уносящие Крыла
Оплот Гибели
Отраженное Сквозь Извечные Битвы
Во Гневе Воздаяния
Unmalicious Satan Son
Stronghold of Ruin (Sparkling Sleep By All-Burning)
Reflection through Eternal Battles
Elements of Warmonger
Stronghold Of Ruin - Sparkling Sleep By All-Burning
Reflection Thru Eternal Battle
Во Гневе Воздаянья
Stronghold of Ruins
Искрометный Сон - Всесожженьем
Отражённое Сквозь Вечные Битвы
Отражённое Сквозь Извечные Битвы
Искромётный сон - всесожженьем
Stonghold Of Ruin
02 Journey In Return
Unimalicious Satans son
Стальным Шипом
Stronghold of Ruin / Sparkling Sleep by All-Burning
09 Inhaling The Murder
Stronghold of Ruin / Sparking Sleep by All-Burning
Reflection trough eternal Battle
Strong hold of ruin
Sparking Sleep - By All-Burning
Reflection Thru Eternal Battl
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ReflectionThru Eternal Battles
Inhaling The Murder (Вдыхая Убийство)
Во Гневе Воздая
Sowing With Sparks (radio edit)
К Безмолвью Унося
01 - Unimalicious Satan Son
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