Tankcsapda (means: dragon's teeth - a fortification against tanks) is one of the most popular rock bands in Hungary. The three current members are: László Lukács (vocals, bass), Tamás Fejes (drums), Gábor Sidlovics (guitar). Their music is similar to Motörhead's, but with Hungarian characteristics. The band's influence on the Hungarian rock scene is obvious and unquestioned. The band was formed in 1989 and became well-known by the album titled A legjobb méreg (especially by the track with the same title: A legjobb méreg) in 1992. Since then their most popular track is Mennyország Tourist from 1999, a great hit in Hungary. Nowadays they get start working with the famous dubstep producer Skrillex. One of the most important factors for the Tankcsapda fans is the quality of the lyrics, which has drawn a considerable fan base to the band. The first major success of the band came in 1992, when Tankcsapda released their first real studio LP, and the success story has been continuing ever since. The band have issued nine studio LPs, a live LP, a Best of and a compilation album. The sales records of the Tankcsapda LPs is extraordinary in the category of rock bands: the group has achieved golden records for most of their studio LPs (in Hungary a band is awarded with a golden record when the sales exceed 20.000 copies). One of the records even broke the 40.000-copy barrier! The ever-widening fan base has responded exceptionally well to the records and attended the live shows...
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Be Vagyok Rúgva
Mennyország Tourist
Nem Kell Semmi
California über alles
Rock A Nevem
Egyszerű Dal
Ez Az A Ház
Jönnek A Férgek
Füst és Lábdob
Adjon az ég
Örökké Tart
A Legjobb Méreg
Egy Van
Irgalom Nélkül
Baj Van!!
Föld és ég
Élni vagy égni
Johnny A Mocsokban
Itt Vannak A Tankok
Lopott Könyvek
Mindig Péntek
Az Ember Tervez
Akinek Látsz
Fiúk ölébe lányok
A holnapot éljem túl
A Kísérlet Száma
Nem Hagylak El
Az Alagút Végén
Minden Szó
Dávid és Góliát
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Kis Orosz Lány
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üdvözöl a pokol
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Ezen A Földön
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