tv·2 is a danish pop band from Aarhus that loves to travel around the country and perform under the slogan of being The most boring band in Denmark. With their record debut from 1981, it is also one of Denmark's oldest and still-existing pop bands. In no small degree thanks to their lyrics, which are witty and have a thoroughly humorously ironic undertone they have achieved great and stable fame. tv·2 consist of Steffen Brandt (lead vocal, guitar, keyboard, principal songwriter), Georg Olesen (bass), Hans Erik Lerchenfeld (guitar) and Sven Gaul (drums). tv·2 was founded by the turn of the year 1980/81. As recording began of the first album Fantastiske Toyota in January-February 1981 Steffen Brandt was also a member of Kliché as keyboard player, and Sven Gaul was on vacation in the United States. Six months after the debut Torben Westergaard replaced Georg Olesen, who at the time still played with Warm Guns. In 1983 they released Beat were the development of the band gathered speed. tv·2 still had not won the heart of the big record buying audience, but by rapping his way through the Admirals Song from H.M.S. Pinafore, renamed Popsangerens Vise secured success. On the album Rigtige Mænd Gider Ikke Høre Mere Vrøvl the title track became a hit song all over the country and the album sold over 250,000 copies. In 1988, they released Nærmest Lykkelig which was proclaimed the best album, the band so far had released, by the music press. The title track and the Shadows-lik...
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Rigtige Mænd
De Første Kærester På Månen
Bag Duggede Ruder
Alt Hvad Hun Ville Var At Danse
Der Går Min Klasselærer
Hele Verden Fra Forstanden
Kys Bruden
Nærmest Lykkelig
Be Bab A Lu La
Tidens Kvinder
Vil Du Danse Med Mig
For Dig Ku' Jeg Gøre Alting
Fantastiske Toyota
Fri Som Fuglen
Ræven Og Rønnebærrene
Det Mørke Jylland
Kys Det Nu (Det Satans Liv)
Det Er Samfundets Skyld
Kom Lad Os Brokke Os
Popmusikerens Vise
Vi Skaber En Verden Perfekt
Rejsen til Rio
Randers Station
Hvem Vil Danse Denne Nat
Kærligheden Overvinder Alt
Eventyr For Begyndere
Ring Til Mig
Big Time Og Honning
Kontoret Lukker Nu
Skolens Højeste Snit
Kom Og Se Far Danser
Åh Kom Nu Hjem
På Skanderborg Station
Kys Det Nu
Hallo Hallo
En Mand Og Hans Hund
Line Jørgensen, Voldum
Hr. Og Fru Danmark
Under Den Sidste Hvide Bro
Gare Du Nord
Jordens Heldigste
Et Lykkeligt Goodbye
Fald Min Engel
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