Eikona (pronounced ee-ko-na) is a musical/chanting group comprised of three sisters who are trying to use the precious gift of song to glorify the Life-Giving Trinity and build up the Holy Orthodox Church. Eikona is the Greek word for icon which means likeness or image. Icons are the surreal paintings which adorn Orthodox Churches the world over. Icons are never worshiped, rather they are venerated and used in worship as tangible depictions of Holy people, events, and Christian Theology. The Church calls us to emulate the lives of those who are depicted on them: the saints, the mother of God and the Savior Himself. Today more than ever, we need role-models of how to live righteous and Godly lives. It is Eikona's desire that we all strive to be little icons of the God in whose image we were created. Eikona's recordings include both Byzantine Chant and original Contemporary Christian Music. Byzantine Chant is the unique style of music used in Orthodox worship. It expresses and preserves the Truths of the historical Christian Church in a sublime and simple manner. Byzantine hymns lift the faithful in prayer and lead them to a fuller understanding of God with their interwoven poetic melodies. Eikona hopes to encourage the learning and singing of these hymns by the Faithful of all ages. Eikona also addresses, through the voice of contemporary music, issues and values which our current generation is avoiding and abandoning. Eikona's goal is to provide a medium by which our...
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Top Tracks
Your Love
Shadow of You
Felt So Right
While In Your Hands
Engraved In Torchlight
You And Me
Ode 1
Ode 4
Ode 3
Ode 5
Ode 6
Ode 7
Ode 9
Don't Let Go
Ode 8
Think Of Me
God Is The Lord
Great Litany
Hold On
Axion Estin
Christ is Risen
Psalm 142 (143)
Come Receive the Light
To Thee the Champion
Awed by the Beauty
Pasa Pnoi
Thrice-Holy Hymn
It Is Truly Meet
O Gladsome Light
All Who Have Been Baptized
O Theotokos
Lord Of The Powers
Psalm 57
Let The Children Come
I Shall Open My Mouth
No Created Thing
Body Of Christ
O Blessed Virgin Mother
Let Every Earth Born Man
Litany of Supplication
Cherubic Hymn (4th Mode)
Agapiso Se (1st Mode)
Ti Ipermako
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