Tumsa is the popular Latvian rock band from Liepāja, Latvia that formed in 1991. In 1995 then 18-year-old singer Mārtiņš Freimanis, who step by step became leader of the band, joined the band. In 1998 Tumsa released its first album Putni with their best songs and won in the contest Liepājas Dzintars. Later the band released 4 more albums and the selection of the best songs Piedzīvojums 1996-2006. In 2007 Tumsa received its first Latvian Music Records Award as the song Un Pirms Mēs Aizmigām was nominated the Radio Hit of 2006. In 2008 the album Suns was released and the band's 17th anniversary was celebrated with wide scope and grand concerts in Liepāja and Rīga. The band several times has participated in the selection of Eurovision National Song Contest. Tumsa has also collaborated with children's vocal ensemble Dzeguzīte and with the band Putnu Balle, the band has also recorded a song Maksimum Ti together with the popular Russian singer Chicherina (Чичерина), as well as taken part in the film Sešas Zvaigznes Zobenā. On 18 January 2011, Mārtiņš Freimanis was taken to the Infectology Centre of Latvia in Rīga, with what was first reported to be severe respiratory tract infection. He died nine days later. It was later revealed that Freimanis died of hepatotoxicity made worse by fatty liver, and a weak heartbeat, which had caused renal insufficiency, and pleurisy. In September, 2011 the band starts to recover from the corrections made by the life. Valt...
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